Periods from Selected Forecast Sources

Display specific portions of a forecast, from various forecast sources. This illustrates the use of the forecast search list extension.

Open WeatherMap

No data for OWM

UK Met Office

03-May-2024 16:00 10.0°C
03-May-2024 19:00 10.0°C
03-May-2024 22:00 9.0°C
04-May-2024 01:00 8.0°C
04-May-2024 04:00 7.0°C
04-May-2024 07:00 7.0°C

Issued at 03-May-2024 12:00 for 354123

Weather Underground

03-May-2024 19:00 5.6°C Mostly Cloudy
04-May-2024 07:00 16.7°C Mostly Cloudy
04-May-2024 19:00 5.6°C Mostly Cloudy
05-May-2024 07:00 17.2°C Mostly Cloudy
05-May-2024 19:00 9.4°C Overcast
06-May-2024 07:00 14.4°C Overcast

Issued at 03-May-2024 12:50 for geocode=51.786,-0.759

US National Weather Service

No data for NWS